Imagine you are in a white out in a snowstorm. Actually, that situation has a lot of similarities with a blank canvas, page, or computer screen. Ever experience vertigo while scuba diving? You lose all sense of right, left, here, there, which way is up, and where is the road or the water’s surface? In terms of your situation, there is nothing to “hold” on to. That is like a blank canvas. We’ve all been asked to write an essay at some point in our lives. We’ve all sat poised over a blank piece of paper or computer screen begging for something, the right thing, to flow from our pencil point or keyboard. Our eyes wander here and there anticipating that first word to suddenly appear. Whether a dot or point on a canvas, or a word on a piece of paper, once it does appear we have a sense of here and there, I and thou, distance and orientation, a start, and the next word in a growing progression.