A 50-year Journey to Discover a Fun, Comfortable Way to Learn Landscape Architectural Design (2/38)

There I was in my first design studio with my twenty, or so, new classmates, all eager to become a professional landscape architectural designer. Given a few mimeographed handouts (yes it was that long ago) we were asked to design a residence for a family of four. There I was believing I’d never designed anything before. Believing I’d never understood people’s reasons or needs for a new environment. Also, believing that all I did know was math and science and that math and science drove problem solving, I raised my hand and asked, “What’s the formula?” With that began a five decades-long journey.

NOTE: if as you follow these posts you have questions, please feel free to ask me [email protected] Also, if the ideas here interest you, I’d be thrill to be invited to speak on them or to be asked to come and lead a one- to 5 day workshop.