The book Landscape Architecture as Storytelling goes into more detail on design approach ideas and realizations than provided in these 38 installments: understanding design features, spaces, and sequences of spaces as the expression of messages, determining your design’s users’ reasons for and expectations when visiting your design, and the history and value of storyboarding, and narrative and narrative form. By exploring a people-come-first approach to design development and the importance that brings to how designers consider those who are left to live with their designs, raises a question of design ethics. To what extent do professional design associations instruct their members in their responsibilities to those who use (or abuse) their designs? I’m not going to go into the detail here that makes up Chapter Ten of Landscape Architecture as Storytelling. If you’ve seen the value of considering those who will use and live with your designs, of seeing the importance of meeting of exceeding their anticipated experiences, then I ask you to take a close look at your association’s Code of Professional Ethics. To what extent do they inform and direct the responsibilities of professional designers’ concern for and responsibilities to the public? To those left to live with their designs?
As a designer, I hope you find the narrative-storyboard-design approach stronger then what you have previously used. Or, at least something that can be added to your way of doing design that reduces assumptions, strengthens continuity and flow, and is replicable time and again. And finally, unlike the old adage of medicine, you found here that learning design doesn’t have to taste bad to be good, be comfortable, and be fun.
Please note, I am more than happy to answer questions here in LinkedIn or through email [email protected]. I would be thrilled if asked to speak at a school or office, and I welcome requests to do one- to five-day workshops. And, finally, if you order a copy of “Landscape Architecture as Storytelling” by 30 September 2023 through the Routledge Publisher’s web site and use discount code EFL02, you will receive a 20% discount.
Hope you enjoyed the journey, I did,
Bob Scarfo, PhD, Emeritus
Land and Life® LLC