“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
— Albert Einstein
Environments’ natural systems guide Land and Life’s programing of clients’ wishes and local people’s needs. In that we design built environments in harmony with the dynamics of their natural settings, they are more able to care for themselves. That goal is achieved through:
Biomimicry: learning from nature
Nature’s millions of years of adaptations guide energy efficient environmental and architectural designs, cost-effective industrial designs, and resilient community planning.
Sufficiency: determining how much is enough
Recognition of a locale’s carrying capacity and harvesting below the rate of replenishment can support families, companies, and governments. An economy of scale, guided by sufficiency, is a recipe for a more sustainable community.
Public Participation Process: involving all stakeholders
Charrettes and focus groups that include local residents of all ages and walks of life contribute to the collective goals we strive to achieve, the local and often underutilized resources we employ, and the broadened definitions of health and sustainability we use to assess and monitor progress.